Organization is the Answer

For anyone who knows me personally, they know that I’m an OCD, Type A, paranoid, freak. I make my bed every morning, making sure the duvet is even placed on either side of the bed, throw pillows in place, blanket folded etc. etc. I also deal with anxiety, so being organized helps me feel in control of at least something in my life; which gives my mind comfort.


For anyone who knows me personally, they know that I’m an OCD, Type A, paranoid, freak. I make my bed every morning, making sure the duvet is even placed on either side of the bed, throw pillows in place, blanket folded etc. etc. I also deal with anxiety, so being organized helps me feel in control of at least something in my life; which gives my mind comfort. Along the way, I have found different methods that relieve my stress, and help me maintain an organized life, and I’m all about sharing, so here are a few of my tactics/rules on de-cluttering!

Rule Number 1:

Invest in a planner. I live off of my Lilly Pulitzer planner! I not only keep track of my homework assignments, but also my sorority events, my internship hours and responsibilities, holidays, birthdays, and due dates for tests, papers, and projects. I also really love the brand Sugar Paper which you can find at Target. They have everything from folders, planners, paper, notebooks, calendars….and they’re all super cute! Pick up one of these to keep you organized, they’re so pretty you’ll want to use them all the time.


Rule Number 2:

Purchase Rule Number 1… 🙂 But in all seriousness, do purchase a planner, mine is like a personal assistant to me, because it has every detail of my life I need to know, and its all at my fingertips! Okay, now onto the real rule number 2: use the Reminders app on your iPhone. Now people, this one is a total lifesaver. How many times have you scheduled an appointment or made lunch plans and COMPLETELY forgot about it?? If you’re anything like me, my memory is pretty darn good, but when life gets hectic I forget about these things…thats where this app comes in. I put reminders in for the day before an appointment to remind me about it, and then I put a reminder for an hour before so I yet again and told “nail appointment at 3” so that my little crazy brain doesn’t forget! Trust me, this app works wonders. 

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Rule Number 3:

Make your bed!!! I’m sure growing up you heard this daily from your mom and then it seemed tedious and unnecessary. BUT as a 20-something living in a dorm room, my bed acts as more than just a bed. It’s my sanctuary; my couch, my homework spot, its my everything. And living in close quarters, it makes me cringe when me or my roommates bed isn’t made because it makes our room feel cluttered and unorganized. If you’re a college girl, you’ll understand. The littlest thing can make your day a whole lot better. Pictured below is my bed; how could I not make this everyday…it’s just so pretty 🙂


Rule Number 4:

Organize your closet. Whether it be arranging clothes by color, style etc. My closet is organized by dresses/ skirts, blazers, cardigans, sweaters, long sleeves, short sleeves, and tanks. Do this. You’ll thank me later when you wake up late for that 8 AM or for the commute to work, and you can’t seem to find that blazer, or cardigan you had planned to wear that day. Oh, and that brings up another thing…lay out your outfit the night before. You can afford to play dress-up at night before going to bed (or maybe not). We all know we snooze our alarms, so make your wake-up easier. Plan out an outfit you can slip into within seconds. 


I hope these few tips help make your days a little easier, and a lot less stress free!

Till next time,


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