Case of the Mondays

Hello pretties,

Happy Monday…and happy first day of spring! Sadly, here in Connecticut, this morning birds weren’t chirping, and flowers weren’t blooming, it was actually the opposite; cold, snowing, and gloomy. Talk about a great start to the week!

I had a nice relaxing spring break, sadly, I wasn’t lying on a beach in Mexico, or sipping mimosas by a pool, I was in my cozy home, back in Massachusetts alongside my mom, dad, sister, and two puppies. Lucky for me, I needed the rest, so I wasn’t too sad I was stuck at home. But, all that downtime made getting up early, and commuting to my internship that much more difficult this morning. And with the added ‘unseasonal’ weather it was truly the icing on the cake!

Today at my internship I created excel spreadsheets for pricing of the signature furniture line we are developing. I didn’t consider myself an excel expert, but I pulled it off. It was such a tedious task, and with all the commotion of construction mixed with my frozen fingers and body sitting in this cold, cold, factory, it was a looooong day! It’s so tough getting back into your schedule after having a week without responsibilities.


As I’m writing this, I’m thinking about the rest of my semester, and the tasks I have from now until May. It’s crazy how fast it is going by, and I know these last seven weeks are going to come and go in the blink of an eye….

That’s all for now!

With love,

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